HE13 0.90lbs

Pic Outdoor Mosquito Repellent Coils, Perfect for Patios and Decks, 4 Pc Box




PIC Mosquito Repellent Coils have been a trusted solution for keeping mosquitoes away for over 60 years.
Each coil can burn for up to 5-7 hours, providing extended protection against mosquitoes. Additionally, smaller pieces can be used for shorter periods of time, offering flexibility in usage.
These coils are perfect for outdoor spaces like patios and porches, where mosquitoes can be particularly bothersome. Placing them every 10 feet ensures optimal coverage and effectiveness.
Designed for use in semi-confined areas with minimal breeze, such as patios and porches, these coils effectively repel mosquitoes, creating a more comfortable outdoor environment.
The coils come with reusable metal stands for easy positioning, allowing users to place them securely in desired locations.
It's important to note that these coils should not be used indoors. Proper ventilation is essential when using them to ensure safe and effective repellent action.
Users should refer to the packaging for additional instructions on proper use, including safety precautions and best practices for placement.